antenatal classes
birth environment
birth plan
clinical placement
clinical skills
Teaching Antenatal Classes
During my current placement I have had the opportunity to teach a full set of antenatal classes to a group of first time mothers and their partners.
Initially I was anxious I wouldn't be accepted as a student midwife, or as a 'teacher' as this wasn't quite what I imagined as part of the midwife role, however I found from presenting at university last year that standing up in front of people is something I enjoy doing!
It was the second day of my placement when I taught my first class - solo! As a third year student we are encouraged to practice independently and my midwife mentor attended the last half an hour and was (apparently) impressed with my class.
The class was on Labour 1 - from Braxton Hicks to Calling to come into Hospital / MLU / Calling in Homebirth team!
We had fun and did some good ice breakers and encouraged discussion - I found initially many didn't ask questions during the sessions, which was a little demoralising, but it was because they wanted to ask them separately afterwards!
I also actively encouraged the families to visit the places they were planning to give birth as I talked about the cocktail of hormones and increase of Oxycontin and Endorphin's in their own or safe environment and the benefit of the familiarity of their place of birth.
I'm planning to complete all three classes and get some feedback from the attendees at the end of the sessions to see how I've done and if I've helped them feel prepared for labour, birth, infant care and breastfeeding.
I'll keep you all updated on how they go.
twitter: @ruth_stmw
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