Managing Criticism

Not all feedback is positive. 
Some can cause you to get that tight knot in your stomach and make you feel ashamed as embarrassed. 

Criticism/ Feedback can be mean. Especially when it comes out of the blue, or is assuming something about you as a person. Sometimes it makes us want to stop what we are doing and pack the whole thing in. It can be demotivating and dis-empowering

Managing criticism is difficult. 
It needs to be given in a supportive manner and take in with a open mind
Especially if it is from a peer or mentor. 

Tips to help include:
Asking why the criticism or feedback was given.
Ask to discuss it later when you have thought it through.
Asking for constructive feedback or criticism to give you ideas for approaching the task again.

Overall try not to take it to heart. 
We are all learning, everyday, brand new things. 


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