Wow! What a year. I've had some amazing opportunities, said yes to ideas and plans I'd usually be very nervous about committing too and I've managed to have my first third year placement on community midwifery signed off as competent for entering the NMC register THIS YEAR, when I graduate as a Registered Midwife in September 2018!
So I'm popping a few of my highlights here to inspire myself, and others, for the rest of 2018!
- Establishing myself on twitter as an active student midwife tweeter - follow here at @ruth_stmw for tweets and retweets surrounding midwifery care and student midwife learning
- Starting my blog 'SageFeminist', it has been a real creative output for me and open lots of doors and opportunities! From designing the log, to post headings and research - I've enjoyed every seconds, especially creating info-graphics for other students to use and learn from. Here is my first POST.
- Being asked to join the wonderful midwives at All4Maternity editorial board, and starting a brand new student project for them... coming soon in 2018!
- Being highlighted by my university for my extra curricular work with The Practising Midwife and All4Maternity.
- Attending the RCM Conference in Manchester. Travelling and meeting a lot of twitter buddies was a fantastic networking and learning experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it - and wrote about it HERE.
- Becoming treasurer for my Midwifery Society at university and using social media to recruit and encourage first and second year students to engage with midwifery on social media, and through activities run by the society.
- Passing my first placement of third year with an A, and being signed off as competent for NMC register for community midwifery - what a dream come true. And a wonderful placement all round. Seeing a newly refurbished MLU in a community and rural setting made me want to explore normal birth in the community so much more.
And as for 2018!
I have 4 more placements to complete, 3 graded and 1 experience on pregnancy loss ward.
I am attending MAMA Conference in Glasgow in May.
I will have LOTS more to do with TPM and All4Maternity.
I'll be updating my blog here more.
I plan to host a few twitter chats on becoming midwife later in the year for prospective midwives!
And on a personal level I'll be working hard to pass my degree, and on other goals I've set myself around my health and mental health too. Self care is number 1!
I'm so excited for what the year can bring.
What are you most excited for?!